Saturday, December 8, 2012

Day 1

Well here I am... Age 25 and over 183 pounds at only 5'2". It's time for me to start. I mean really start. Not be all hung-ho and commit to exercising and weight watchers only to lose 10 pounds then fall off the wagon again. Not again. I really cannot deal with the failure of gaining back any weight I lose again. Yea, part of it is the superficial part of me that wants to be able to go out with friends and not always be comparing myself to everyone else in the room, looking to check that I am not the heaviest - though usually I am. This is also a dedication to being a healthy person. I want to have kids one day and be an active mom, I want to run 5Ks (heck I would settle for grocery shopping without breaking a sweat), I want to go to the beach and wear a bathing suit, I want to look good for my man so I am not embarrassed every time he touches me, I want I want I want. So if I want it so bad, then why can't I just do it? There lies the question.

I have stopped and started so many times I can't even keep track anymore. But no more. This girl is getting serious about being healthy.

So about weight watchers, aka WW. I love WW, it is a fabulous plan that can literally fit any lifestyle. They do not pay me to write these things I swear. It is really amazing. Like 2 go-rounds ago I lost about 30 pounds. I have no idea why I gave up that time. I felt so great about myself and was on the right track to healthy... when I fell off. I gained nearly every pound back. My original start weight was about 186. Here is am just over 183 and ready to really commit to this.

This is my new accountability. This is where I will post (not everyday, I can't commit to that) what I am eating, what I am doing for exercise, and most importantly how I am feeling about my self. I will probably post at least weekly to keep record of my weigh-ins (WI) which happen on Fridays. At WI yesterday (12/7) I was at 183.4.

I know this will not be easy, I know it will take self-control, dedication, and the occasional splurge so I don't go absolutely crazy; but I know I can do it. Right now I have a goal weight of 133. When I want to reach that goal is unknown, I can't really put a strict time limit on it, that wouldn't be fair to my psyche or my body. All I really want are steady losses and to feel better.

I bought a heart rate monitor, a Polar FT60 to keep track of how many calories I am burning at workouts. I recently took up Zumba at a local gym and want to keep doing that for sure along with some other kind of cardio.

So here it goes. Wish me luck.

I took pictures of myself today for comparison down the road. Those will make a debut when I have a "during" pic to post with them.

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